
Lookee here.

We have art. Jodo, Xyl, and the combat droid in the elevator shaft of the Granix-Terron building.

Now that we have cover artage, administrivia must needs begin.

And I officially need to inject myself with motivation and get started on something else.

I've been on vacation since Monday night, I've got two days to go, and I still haven't done anything.

Except for go to Huntsville yesterday. Bought a book about Pete Conrad. Watched "Roving Mars" and "Magnificent Desolation" back to back. And of course made moon eyes over the... er... Moon rock.

Tomorrow, I lock myself in the Temple.

But cover art is good.

Reasons why it is good to drive a 1995 Ford Ranger:
(after being sneered at by a biker at McDonalds tonight)
(why was I going to McDonalds when I'm supposed to be watching what I eat? Check their nutritional charts. There are actually a few things I can still eat there, including the apple pies and if one chooses wisely some of the hamburgers.)

  • The rust on the tailgate and the broken out left front blinker aren't a temptation to theives. Not like a $25,000 unsecured motorcycle.
  • Cup holders.
  • A seat and floorboard I can throw stuff in. Like empty water bottles, books, etc.
  • A radio with buttons I have programmed not only for my favorite Chattanooga stations but with a decent rock station and the NPR affiliate in Huntsville, and ten years of familiarity with the radio that I can hit all the buttons and scan for likely stations without having to look. Thus not having to take my attention from the road or my right hand from the gear-shift. Not like a Harley where one will have to take a hand from the brakes and attention from the road.
  • 2000 pounds of metal and an airbag between me and death. Not like a Harley where you slide it, kiss all the skin goodbye. Especially in Florida, where they use crushed up shells in the asphalt. Oh, and of course the very real possibility of getting mangled and killed in a wide variety of other ways.
  • ABS brakes.
  • Enclosed, so that I don't risk sinus infections, ear infections and pneumonia when I have to drive in the winter. Not to mention getting hit by low-flying suicidal birds, garbage thrown out of car windows, or getting doored by someone in a car.
  • I know to ignore the "Check Brake" and "Check Engine" lights. Any potential thief doesn't. Any potential thief will steal the bike anyway.
  • I can carry a week's worth of groceries and twenty pounds of cat food and still have room for a troupe of howler monkeys and an annoyed Rottweiler.
  • It's paid for.

Nuff said.

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