
My leave time for ChattaCon has been approved, so now I've got to order some more books.

And I got a purchase order from BCH for 20 copies of Aquaria in the mail today.

Next up on the social calendar: my cousin's wedding on the 1st. Apparently he's marrying a Catholic girl so we all get to sit through Mass of which the wedding will be only a minor part. I've never been inside a Catholic church much less ever been to Mass despite my long-standing and occassional bouts of fury related to their policies and history ("Wiccan" being one of the religious affiliations I can legitimately claim). I would like to one day ask them why they worship a tortured man. I realize that's their whole schtick, but seriously... sadistic much? You people worship a tortured man. Your priests prey on children. You used to burn people at the stake for little or no reason except that you hated women. And the occassional scientist. And once in a while the odd bit of torture and forced conversion of Jewish people. And the Crusades.

So no, I'm not too sanguine about all this, but it's Dave's show.

I'll let you know if I burst into flames when I walk in the church.

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