
Think I've almost had it with the guild. Kill has left WoW and given up control of the guild to others, and they're making changes to the officer structure and have "temporarily" restricted access to the gbank only to officers. People have to ask an officer if they want to deposit or withdraw from the gbank. They've also restructured officer status to be dependent on how much a person raids, essentially. Raiding is something only higher levels (60+) do, so anyone below that is pretty much shut out of officer status. It's also dependent on whether one is a "casual" or "committed" player, which seems very discriminatory to those of us who can't spend 12 hrs a day on the game due to things like working for a living.

I got in a big argument about it with one of the new "officers" last night and quite frankly I see no advantage to being in the guild anymore. Why should I work to level, gather mats to put in the gbank, make armor or potions to put in the gbank, when I can't expect to get anything out of it? I asked if high lvls were going to be putting in mats that I could use to level my alchemy or leatherworking and was told to go out and level and get them myself. I have to pay out the nose for the herbs that Ancasta needs now on the AH because she's too low level to effectively gather them herself in Arathi without dying constantly (which uses up the very potions I'm using those herbs to make). So my toons are broke, and can't expect any help from the guild beyond being told to "go out and level and do it yourself, when you're 60th lvl you'll be worth bothering with."

Hell with it. They're not worth it.

1 comment:

Muddled Mawkishness and Murky Musings said...

Sounds like they really are squeezing out people they deem 'unworthy'. Too bad for them. Their loss. And yes, you shouldn't be held liable because you work for a living. That's absolutely ridiculous and kinda makes me afraid for the future of our country. I'm sure you could find another guild that would be more accommodating and helpful. My son was squeezed out of a guild, too. He decided to set up his own guild. He's not one to accept defeat quickly or easily. He'll find a way around the obstacles. LOL An interesting young man, he is...