
Okay, so what's the use of having a bunch of money if you don't use it for anything useful? Got my Federal income tax refund back. Still waiting for Georgia.

So lately I've been grumping that I can't ever get anything done re: writing and editing because I've always got these furry idiots bugging the hell out of me. Also the only workspace I have is my table in the computer room here and WorldWatch One has the Internet connection and Stargate fanfiction has a gravitic pull like a black hole. I concluded I needed a Better Place To Work. Emphasis on the "work" part of it. So I went out today to Office Despot and got a new table and a new chair and now my laptop is set up in the Temple, where I can close the door and put a heavy object down as a doorstop. Also got some sound canceling headphones to cut out the sounds of small furry idiots picking and crying at the closed door.

Once I got it all set up I sat down and edited two chapters. I'm about to go in and do another couple. I'll get up tomorrow and do even more. It's a good thing. No Internet. No cats. No distractions.

You may claim it's being mean to my cats but something's got to give. I simply must begin writing again. Editing is good. Aquaria needs editing. Badly. I'm trying to do it in E-Prime as much as I can and eliminating as much passive voice as I can. I've got this sneaking suspicion it's going to end up soooo choppy. Once I get through this first edit I'll let it sit for a couple weeks and then go back through it again and fix even more stuff. Joy. Cutting out the whole Furiae subplot cut out over 5k words. The rest of it plotwise will stand, so it's just fixing all the passive voice and "to be" verbs. Oy.

Meanwhile I need cover art and to con someone into giving me an unvarnished critique once I'm done. Then layout and wrestling with OpenOffice for page numbers, etc. Then all the rest of it. I need to have everything done by November 20th at the very latest because I want it out by December 1st to avoid Christmas season.

Somewhere in all this I've got to do two cons, a booksigning, publicity, etc. Oy.

I think I can understand why George almost had a nervous breakdown with ANH.

Well. I'm off to do another couple chapters or possibly to work on postcard designs.

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