
Well. As sometimes happens, one's brain coughs up a solution in the middle of the night. After the copying back got done, iTunes still wouldn't see the files that were right back where they started... So I guess I will try again tonight. The new iPod is attached and because I forgot to uncheck the auto-sync it is now sucking in the 60th of 580 files. I will probably have to leave it here today since I have all of 26 minutes before I have to leave for work. Meaning it will probably over-charge, start a fire, and burn the house down.

With a sense of grim irony I named the new iPod "TMA-2" after the Monolith at Jupiter in 2010.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Somewhere in your settings, you're missing something in iTunes. As long as you can aim it at the music directory, you should be able to consolidate the library and it should look for the new locations to missing files.