
Going to end the psychologist visits today. She's not helping me and I need that nearly $300 a month elsewhere. Am I resentful? Yes I'm resentful. Because I'm paying $70 / wk for answers and all she's doing is nodding like a bobblehead. So enough of that. I need that money for real solutions.

The postal service will be laying off between 120k and 200k people soon. We'll be insolvent by October. Due to not having any seniority, I'll probably be laid off soon. So yeah, looking at having to make a decision re the magazine project sometime soon. Do I go ahead with it, damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead? Or do I scuttle it again in favor of survival? I'm sure my mother will go for option #2. And would find Kickstarter the devil incarnate.

Could use some people in my corner since I seem to have the backbone of a single-celled organism when it comes to standing up to my mother. Oh well.

Huntsville made the Top 5 list of Geekiest Cities. Maybe I could move there?

I have ConStellation coming up in September, less than a month away. Feel like Wile E. Coyote feebly waving a flag as he's falling off the cliff again.

I have to learn that my first reaction to fear should not be to pull away even further into my shell, but to keep trying to connect. Even if doing so ends up exactly as I fear it will. Correlation does not equal causation.

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