
So do I want to go back to school or not? That is the question, and it must be answered within the next few days because I gotta get the paperwork done. Deadline is April 1st.

It's clear that I'm not going to be able to get a decent job without a degree of some sort.

The people at the WIA office said that if I can find 5 job openings for a particular job, I can use that as my intended job and go for the appropriate education. So I could do "social work assistant" and get the AA for Sociology or Psychology if I can find 5 job openings to prove it's an "in demand" occupation. All well and good.

Just that I don't feel any motivation to do it. Nor do anything else. Which isn't a good thing, I'm well aware. Depressed again, but really when have I not been depressed?

I look around at so many people chugging right along doing this that and the other thing, goal-oriented and going after it, and I just feel nothing. No desire to do anything. No draw to an area of expertise or pull to any particular profession. Not even writing, anymore. No goals. No plans. I know I should, I just don't.

It's not like Sociology or Psychology is a bad thing. It's just that's closest to the way I think normally. I'm not as likely to fail at it and it shouldn't take much work.

After that, I dunno.

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